Is Skyfold Right for Your Project?

Vertically retractable. Automatic. Acoustic.

Skyfold vertical operable walls provide space division and acoustic control. Motorized controls make it easy for your staff to quickly open or close off spaces, and a wide range of design customizations means there’s a Skyfold for almost any project. 

Even with all of its benefits, Skyfold’s premium operable walls aren’t always the right solution for every project. 

Find out if Skyfold is right for your project by downloading our considerations guide.

Is Skyfold Right for Your Project?
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Is Skyfold Right for Your Project?
Skyfold Classic, fully retracted.
Skyfold Classic fully retracted into ceiling pocket
Skyfold Classic, halfway extended.
Skyfold Classic halfway extended
Skyfold Classic, fully extended.
Skyfold Classic in the down position