The DRS system offers dry glaze sidelite rails to match door profiles, plus a complete range of bottom rails to meet ADA requirements. This system is available with either a sliding panel closure or a pivot panel closure. Optional floor closer and handles allow a pivot panel closure to be used as a pass door. The DRS design allows for snap-on covers, as well as on-site size adjustability and glass replacement.
Modernfold DRS glass operable walls in an office conference room.

Which DRS Product Is Right for Your Project?



Single Panel

Single Panel

Single Panel

Single Panel


15, 18

15, 18

15, 18

15, 18

Horizontal Rail

3.62 inch square rail

3.62 inch tapered rail

6 inch square rail

10 inch square rail

Project Gallery

Modernfold DRS glass operable walls with image overlays in a conference room.
Modernfold DRS glass ribbed operable walls in a medical office waiting room.
Modernfold DRS glass operable walls in a mall restaurant.